Township Administration Committee

A committee formed at the March 23, 2021 meeting of the Board of Trustees, charged with the duty to undertake a study of the roles and responsibilities, identify critical skills, knowledge, and attributes, and delineate the salary of a potential new administrative position(s) to the Township staff, as well other positions being contemplated as part of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget, including personnel, administrative, finance, and project management/planner. On May 7, 2021, members of the committee issued two Proposals for Scio Township's Administrative Structure. 
Reports to
Board of Trustees


 Will Hathaway, Supervisor
 Donna Palmer, Treasurer
 Jessica Flintoft, Clerk
Kathy Knol, Trustee
 David Read, Resident
 Diane Benson, Resident



Contact Township Supervisor